"Don't think too much and just follow directions."
The Long family live in the house across the street from us during the summer months. Tom Long and his sons run the Cascade Raft and Kayak Company out of Boise, Idaho and come down to Pucón for the kayak season here. Now their guests are gone and before they return home we took the opportunity to get basic kayaking lessons from expert instructors. We started learning how to paddle in Lake Villarica and then progressed to the Rio Liucura for some authentic river experience.
No photos got taken of the actual rapids, but each of us got a little upside-down time before being hauled upright by Kenneth or Tren or Tom. Eventually, by Tuesday, we started to get the hang of it and were able to brace against the currents, turn into eddys, peel out into the stream and ferry back and forth across reliably enough to thread around the rocks through the Class II rapids at the Schoolhouse area on the Rio Liucura.
I take it that the Volcon Villarica isn't the one that's blowing up at the moment down there? It that one far away from you guys?